Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Saturday, all:

We had a four day weekend this week, so the girls and I decided to go to Salzburg on Thursday and come back today. Salzburg is most popular for The Sound of Music. Many parts of the movie were filmed in Salzburg and it's so obvious why they chose Salzburg. Everything was green and covered with flowers. There was a really neat castle at the top of one of the highest hills in town, next to the Abby in the film.

When we got off the train in Salzburg, we checked into our hostel, which was actually very nice. We unloaded our stuff and decided to explore the city on our own for the rest of the day. We found a nice Greek restaurant for lunch and then we walked all the way up to the castle. It was quite the steep walk towards the end, but the views were so worth it!

After the castle we of course wondered into some souvenir shops and did our thing. We could hear music from a distance, so we started walking towards the sound. We stumbled into the Salzburg Music Festival, which was really neat. It was hot outside and there were benches to sit and watch the performances and of course, lots to drink and eat! We felt really fortunate to walk in to an important part of Austrian culture, classical music.

When we got back to our hostel, they were playing The Sound of Music in the lobby, so we decided it would be fitting to watch it before we went on our Sound of Music tour on Friday. During the movie, we met two other girls from Dallas, TX. They were also coincidentally going to be teachers, but were just traveling Europe together over the summer. The are going to be in Vienna for a few days, so we may meet up with them while they are here! What are the chances?

Finally, the next morning arrived and it was time for our Sound of Music tour. I can't say enough good things about the tour. The tour guide was really funny and took us to see many important sites from the movie. Not only that, they took us outside of Salzburg to see other sites as well. It was a 4.5 hour tour  and if we hadn't gone on the tour, there is no way we would have been able to cover all the ground that we did.

Salzburg was a great trip and I would recommend it to anyone who has the chance to go. The people are friendly, the food is great, and it's very easy to get around the city. I'm so so happy to be on this journey and I will never forget it or the people that were with me. The girls and I get along so well and we are becoming very close friends. What more could I ask for?

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